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You are viewing Cheat Codes for World Championship Snooker 2003 System : Playstation 2 Date Added : 2004-10-04 15:27:36 Views : 24283 Easier Potting To pot your shots easier, when using the Left Analog-stick or D-Pad, hold L1. The direction will slow down incredibly, making it much easier to pot the balls. This also works when choosing the power of the shots on the meter; holding L1 will slow down how high and low you choose. More Accurate Shots Hold L2 while moving the Analog-stick or D-pad. Bonus Outakes To hear bonus outakes from the commentators (Dennis Taylor/John Virgo), choose the options menu, then select 'Credits'. While the credits scroll, you will hear the commentators make mistakes on various quotes heard in the game. Easy Upgrade/appearance Use the following trick to get all clothes, cues, and tables for free. When you wish to upgrade your player, buy the particular piece you want. Then, press Triangle you are at the in-between events screen. This cancels your purchase. Enter the 'Upgrade/Edit Appearance' option again and your money is back, and you have obtained the piece you originally attempted to purchase. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more World Championship Snooker 2003 cheat codes.
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